4 steps to save money quickly and efficiently!

Having trouble saving money? Some of us try to save money, so why not save the rest? Do you want to know the "secret to saving money" that can make you rich? It will not save itself if you tell yourself to start saving tomorrow, so you have to start today! Let's not mess! Read this article and you can try each step.

The first step is to create a strong savings environment: we need to make a strong commitment or create An environment to save money. Some people may have many reasons for not being able to save money. Why should you blame yourself for not saving? Have you ever asked yourself if you have savings from a lack of perseverance or self-endurance? If you think like this, your way of thinking is not right. Saving money should not just be in the mood, so forcing yourself to create a savings environment is Very important.

For example, you want to lose weight, so you must be thinking that you are going to fast or exercise. No, you need to be active to do it every day. So you need to decide on your daily diet and eat only what you should eat instead of any type of food. Eventually you will lose weight. So the only idea you need to make is practicality and high commitment as well, let the following steps help save Effective money:

Step # 1- Discovering Your Purpose There is no such thing as a "monthly" income. Every day when you can manage and know about necessary and unnecessary expenses. Thus, once you have recorded your income and expenses on a regular basis, you can help you evaluate which items should continue to cost. Which one should not be spent on. In particular, record the value of each item and carefully consider to avoid wasting money.

Step 2: Determine the amount you want to save: You must write down the amount you want to save per month. Be clear and remember that this is not the amount you can save, but the amount you want to save. Monthly to achieve your future goals. Also, you need to set a calendar if you save a month? So in two or three years or in the future, how much will you get in total from your savings? This way you can have hope in achieving something you want. For example, if you want to buy a car worth $ 10,000 in the next two years, then you need to calculate how much you need to save. How much per month from today until the year we want to buy it.

Step 3: Divide your expenses into four parts and set each price and expense level: You need to divide your expenses into four parts. And shall determine the required number of parts for each subdivision. For example, if your monthly income is US $ 2,500 and you want to save $ 420 per month, then this amount will Is divided as follows:

First, we need to add up the cost of living, including rent (if any), food and utilities. (You can pay $ 1,380).

Second, social expenses (tuition fees, insurance, meetings during various events). (You can spend $ 500)

Third, entertainment such as buying clothes, traveling and eating out. (You pay $ 200)

Fourth, the amount you want to save. (You can pay $ 420)

In addition, you must subtract the amount you will be saving and the remaining portion is divided into 3 parts. As mentioned above.

Step 4: Transfer the fixed amount each month to the split account: From the first step to this step, you need to have those accounts, which means you when you earn or open Salary like this, you have to transfer the money already divided into 4 according to each account (Please note that the quote This article tells us to have four accounts or accounts, as the division above does not mean that we need to create an account. These 4 banks are important, you need to know that the savings must have a separate account from your regular bank account) .

Also, you should know what to spend, which means not wasting money on unnecessary items. Not much. It is true that living with fun, enjoying family and friends is like this, so divide the numbers. Give money because when we want to be happy, some people do not care how much it costs. As for the distinction, it will help you achieve your goals, such as wanting a new car.

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